From Harry

Hello Betsy - I have many true life experiences and adventures - I want too share those with other people. I want to write a book then have it published - What advice is best to start the process moving forward. Thanks Harry

Hi Harry,

Thanks for your question here is my feed back. If your intention is to write a book, start writing! Have a specific time each day that you dedicate to writing and sit down and do it! You may want to light a candle at first and really tune into your inner divine self or the universe or God or whomever you turn to for inspiration! Write from your heart and when you feel done send it to a couple friends for feed back. You can even post some excerpts on Facebook and see what feed back people give you. There are ways to self publish these days such as E-books that don’t even have to be very long so that may be an option you want to explore. Don’t worry if you hit bumps in the road or get writer’s block or don’t feel like writing one day, just pick back up when you feel inspired. It may take months to finish or in my case years. I’m doing the same thing and it’s fun and a great way to be expressive and creative. Plus we will never be at a loss for things to do because we can always work on our book! I’m sure you have a lot to say and I wouldn't worry about your audience or pleasing anyone but yourself. So have fun, enjoy and keep me posted as to your progress!

Betsy RussellWriting